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粘接implant supported bridge时, 如何准确找到abutment或者bridge需要调磨的位置?

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If 2 implants are not parallel, the bridge may be unable to be seated passively. Nonhexed abutments will make seating easier.

screw retained的bridge 用一个nonhex

In case you have to remove the bridge later for repair, nonhexed abutments will make you life easier.

Yes, one of abutments with nonhex is enough if the implants are not too nonparallel.

我觉得如果implant 不平行,那可以用custom abutment 设计让他的粘接位置平行,但是接口处还是需要hexed




nonhex完全是靠screw来吃力 容易断screw


也叫engaged, non engaged

这个也可以 就是手工磨和机械预选磨

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