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Secure your Child's Future with Child Support Attorney Orange County

Parents have the moral and legal duty to support their minor children financially. This holds whether the child is the biological offspring of the couple or an adopted one. If you are the primary caregiver to the child, you can expect monetary contributions from the other spouse so that you both are paying the bills as parents.

Unfortunately, some parents deny paying this support amount for their children, leaving child support one of the most contentious issues in a family law case.

If your ex-spouse denies paying child support or you expect them to, contact a child support attorney Orange County. A skilled attorney like the ones at Jos Family Law can help you obtain support and enforce this duty on the parent unwilling to pay.

Child Support Laws in California

Courts in California follow statewide guidelines when determining child support. The formula considers the parent's gross monthly income and the number of children needing support, amongst other things. The court may also consider discretionary factors like whether a parent must pay for the child's travel expenses.

If you need help in obtaining, challenging, or enforcing child support, having an experienced child support attorney in Orange County is warranted. At Jos Family Law, we prioritize your children's well-being and ensure your parental rights aren't infringed.

Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> to schedule a free consultation with our child support attorney in Orange County today.